6 Easy Systems for Better Decision-Making

6 Easy Systems for Better Decision-Making


Making decisions, especially in the workplace or business, can be challenging, particularly when seeking input from multiple people. Fortunately, there are structured approaches available that can simplify the decision-making process and increase productivity. These methods are instrumental in fast-paced settings where timely, well-informed decisions are critical. These systems are designed to improve the quality of your choices and help you make them at the right time and with more confidence. Utilizing these approaches can enhance your efficiency and help you make better decisions that positively impact your performance.

6 Easy Systems for Better Decision-Making

Here are six easy systems that can assist you in making better decisions. 

QUBI System

When you are faced with a decision, the QUBI system can help you make an informed choice. This decision-making framework was developed and implemented at Voys, a self-managed organization with 150 employees. The QUBI system consists of four crucial elements: certainty, urgency, reversibility, and impact, which you should carefully consider when making decisions. 

The first element of the QUBI system is certainty. You should consider the level of confidence you have in your decision. If you are sure about a decision, regardless of its urgency, it is recommended to make the call. However, it is advisable to park the decision for later consideration in situations with a lack of certainty.

The second element is urgency. You should consider the time sensitivity of the decision. If a decision is low on certainty and urgency, it can be parked for later consideration. However, suppose a decision is low on certainty and has high urgency. In that case, it is advisable to either make the call or ask for objections, depending on the decision’s impact.

The third element is reversibility. You should consider the ability to reverse or change a decision once it has been made. For decisions with significant impact and no reversibility, it is crucial to raise certainty levels before making the call. This process can be achieved through careful analysis, research, and consultation with relevant stakeholders.

The fourth element is impact. You should consider the potential consequences of the decision. Evaluating the level of certainty before making the call is crucial for decisions with significant impact. It can be done by researching and analyzing the decision’s potential impact, consulting with relevant stakeholders, and seeking expert advice if necessary.

While the QUBI system is an excellent decision-making framework, it can also be complemented by other systems to ensure comprehensive and holistic decision-making. In the following sections, we will explore five other decision-making systems that can complement the QUBI system, providing you with a detailed and comprehensive approach to decision-making.

“Hell Yeah or No” approach

If you’re looking for a way to simplify decision-making, the “Hell Yeah or No” approach may be just what you need. This system divides your options into two categories: activities that make you enthusiastic and those that do not. The idea is to say “yes” only to the things that genuinely excite you and reject opportunities that do not align with your passions or priorities.

This approach can benefit busy individuals with limited time and energy. By focusing on what excites you most, you can maximize your resources and avoid overcommitting to activities that do not align with your priorities or passions. Additionally, this approach can help you clarify what truly matters to you. By evaluating your options and determining what excites you, you can better understand your values and goals, which can help you make more informed decisions in the future.

The “Hell Yeah or No” approach is an effective decision-making system that can help you prioritize your passions, focus your energy, and achieve greater fulfillment in your life.

“Default yes and default no” Approach

The “Default Yes and Default No” approach is a modified version of the popular “Hell Yeah or No” philosophy. This system is based on two defaults: “Default Yes” and “Default No”. The “Default Yes” applies to your inner circle, which comprises your family, close friends, and loved ones. It is a priority for you to help and support them whenever possible. This default implies that you would say “yes” to most of their requests, given they don’t clash with your core values and beliefs.

In contrast, the “Default No” is reserved for anyone outside your inner circle, such as acquaintances, colleagues, or strangers. This default implies that you would say “no” to most of their requests, given that they don’t align with your core values, beliefs, or priorities. Saying “no” allows you to protect your time and resources, avoid unnecessary distractions, and focus on what truly matters to you.

The “Default Yes and Default No” approach effectively and practically balances helping others and caring for your needs. By prioritizing your inner circle, you can build stronger relationships with your loved ones, create a supportive network, and foster a sense of belonging and community. At the same time, by saying “no” to external requests, you can avoid burnout, maintain your mental and physical health, and stay focused on your goals and aspirations. 

“Whole Body Yes” Approach

The “Whole Body Yes” approach is a decision-making system that takes a holistic view of your being. It considers the interconnectedness of your mind, heart, and gut. Your mind refers to your rational thought processes; your heart represents your emotions, and your gut is your physical sensations. This method recognizes that your feelings and bodily sensations can provide valuable information to note when making important decisions.

To use this approach, you should focus on the signals your body sends you. You need to consider how you feel about a particular decision, both emotionally and physically. If you feel a sense of excitement, joy, or peace, it may indicate that it is a good decision for you. Conversely, feeling anxious, uneasy, or tense may suggest your decision is wrong.

The “Whole Body Yes” approach emphasizes that your decisions should align with your values, beliefs, and goals. It encourages you to consider the long-term consequences of your choices and to make decisions that are not only logical but also emotionally and physically sound. Taking a whole-body approach to decision-making ensures that your choices align with your deepest needs and desires, leading to greater satisfaction and fulfillment in your life.

Don’t Chew on Poo

One of the most important systems to implement in your life is to avoid putting off critical decisions, especially those that are difficult or uncomfortable. The idea is to tackle these decisions head-on rather than letting them linger and weigh you down. This approach can save time, money, and resources and improve productivity and performance.

When you avoid making tough decisions, you risk missing out on valuable opportunities and allowing problems to fester and escalate. It can lead to even more difficult and complex decisions down the line, which can be even more challenging to address. On the other hand, by making clear and decisive choices, you can take control of your life and steer it in the direction you want it to go.

To implement this system, being proactive and staying focused on your goals are essential. Identify the decisions that need to be made and prioritize them based on their importance and urgency. Once you have decided, take action immediately and follow through to completion. It can help you avoid the stress and anxiety of indecision and inaction.

In summary, remember to “Don’t Chew on Poo” and avoid putting off important decisions. By facing difficult choices head-on, you can save time, resources, and stress and improve your overall productivity and performance.

“When Do I Quit” Approach

If you’re struggling with deciding whether to quit something important, the “When Do I Quit” approach can be a powerful tool to help you make an informed decision. This approach, developed by Steven Bartlett, provides a comprehensive flowchart that prompts you to consider various factors before deciding. 

The flowchart is designed to guide you through a series of questions that help you weigh the benefits of staying in your current situation against quitting. These questions are carefully crafted to help you think critically about your circumstances and make a well-informed decision.

For example, the flowchart prompts you to consider whether you’re gaining anything valuable by staying put, such as experience or relationships. It also encourages you to assess whether the situation can be improved and, if so, what steps you might take to make that happen. Additionally, the flowchart prompts you to consider whether quitting will lead to any negative consequences, such as financial difficulties or damaged relationships.

By thoughtfully weighing these factors, you can make a decision that aligns with your best interests. This approach empowers you to take control of your life and make well-informed decisions about your future. Ultimately, the “When Do I Quit” approach is an excellent tool for anyone considering quitting something essential and wanting to do so thoughtfully, strategically, and effectively.


These decision-making frameworks were created to assist you in making better decisions and navigating difficult situations. Applying these models can improve your decision-making abilities and help you confidently approach decision-making. Thank you for reading, and we hope that these six models will prove to be valuable tools for you.

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