3 Steps to Capture Your Exit Traffic

Right now, some visitors are currently viewing your website. They are reviewing your offers, reading your blog, and checking your connections. They are not your ordinary visitors because they are genuinely interested in what you are selling.
But then!
These visitors leave your site. They may have every intention of returning — they may have even saved your page— but as soon as they go, their interest will dissipate as quickly as fireworks in a thunderstorm. You’ll permanently lose these promising prospects.
Most marketers know that they should attempt to add website visitors to a mailing list, which is why most websites have opt-in forms. That is a positive thing.
However, many of these same marketers ignore users who click the “back” button or otherwise attempt to leave their website. And that’s a big mistake.
Even if your site’s first-time visitors did not make a purchase or sign up for your mailing list, it doesn’t mean you have to lose them forever. You can give them one final option to decline a related offer, such as a lead-magnet product.
Consider it carefully.
When visitors first reach your site, they might not sign up for your mailing list since you have not yet established your credibility and demonstrated your worth. Therefore, the fact that you gave them something previously and they declined it does not preclude you from offering it again as they leave. If you place the right offer in front of your exiting visitors, your conversion rate will skyrocket.
So that leads to an important question!
What is the right offer?
Most marketers present all visitors with the same lead magnet. Certainly, that will attract a few subscribers. But if you want a sky-high conversion rate, you must provide your outgoing visitors with an offer precisely relevant to the page they were just viewing.
For instance, if a visitor viewed your sales page for dog training videos, you could offer them a free video in exchange for their email address.
Or, if they were reading a blog piece about kettlebell training, offer them a complimentary report on the same subject.
The more focused your offer is, the higher your conversion rate will be.
Now let’s talk about how we can capture exit traffic.
3 Steps to Capture Your Exit Traffic
Redirecting exiting visitors to a special offer sounds somewhat complex. But the good news is that it is easier than you might think, especially if you follow these three steps:
Set up a professional lead page.
For this step, you will need an autoresponder (like Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp, Sendiio, among others) and a web page for your offer and opt-in form.
You can still set up a great-looking lead page with just a few clicks of your mouse, even if you’re not exactly a world-class web designer. See Page Dyno for more details and see how it serves your needs.
Choose a targeted offer.
As stated previously, you will have a much higher conversion rate if you make multiple offers and then direct your traffic to the offer most relevant to the page they were recently viewing. However, you need to ensure that your lead magnet product is valuable, something your visitors genuinely desire, and that it will result in a sale of a paid product.
Redirect visitors.
Now comes what most people consider the hard part: redirecting outgoing visitors to your lead page. However, it doesn’t have to be so. The good news is that you do not need to write code or have the technical knowledge to do it. You can use Conversion Gorilla to handle redirects for you. It’s pretty darn easy. Another excellent tool is Pixal, which offers a free trial, so you don’t have to pay anything to use the full features. Check both and see if they suit your needs.
Obviously, your exit traffic must originate from somewhere. And if your traffic logs are not already brimming with visitors, you must begin generating a great deal more targeted traffic.
Check out Traffic Generation Club to learn about the ways you can generate traffic to your website. It’s the best way to discover how two of the net’s top marketers bring in a steady stream of traffic every day of the week – and how you can do it too.
So check it out at the link above, and do it right away before the free membership disappears.
Capturing your exit traffic can be a challenge. However, we just offered you three steps to get you started. We also provided tools that you can use. Both are crucial to the process.
And if you want more traffic to your site, getting your free membership to Traffic Generation Club is the first step you can take today.
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