3 Different Types of Burnout Symptoms


With everything happening in the world right now, you will likely experience burnout if you have not already. It is crucial to understand burnout so that you will notice the signs and do something about it before it consumes the critical areas of your life. 

It’s natural to feel burned out. You’re exhausted or worn out. You lose interest in the activities you used to enjoy and begin to withdraw from the world. According to Helpguide.org, “Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged and excessive stress.”

Let’s get into more details about burnout in the article series. So, if you are interested, follow us on our social media channels or newsletters to inform you of any new updates. Let us start with the types of burnout symptoms.

3 Different Types of Burnout Symptoms

Burnout can manifest in three types: physically, emotionally, and psychologically. It is essential to notice these symptoms early to prevent them from worsening. Let’s get into the details of each one.

Physical Symptoms

According to Helpguide.org, some physical signs of burnout include “constant fatigue and drained energy, frequent illnesses, headaches, muscle pain, and changes in appetite, sleep, or habits.”

Perhaps you are usually a healthy person who is rarely ill, but recently you have been sick constantly or feeling bad. When you are burned out, your body begins to deteriorate. You are not simply tired; your body is exhausted.

Changes in behavior or appetite may be a sign of burnout. It can make it more difficult for your body to fight infections and maintain your health. Keep an eye out for any changes that may indicate the presence of an underlying issue.

Emotional Symptoms

Several emotional symptoms include “a sense of failure, helplessness, detachment, loss of motivation, growing cynicism, and a diminished sense of accomplishment.” Even though you are constantly aware of your emotions, it can be challenging to recognize when they are changing.

You may be unaware as you drift into a more negative state of mind or begin withdrawing from the world. The most effective way to become aware of these changes involves involving those around you. Ascertain that you are communicating with your closest friends and family members. They are likely to notice emotional changes in you before you do. Suppose you begin to feel or notice a difference; check with them to see if they are experiencing the same thing. They will undoubtedly be relieved that you noticed and want to speak about it.

Psychological Symptoms

“Withdrawing from responsibilities, isolating yourself, procrastinating, self-medicating with food, drugs, or alcohol, venting your frustrations on others, or skipping work” are just a few.

Behavioral symptoms should be the most readily apparent. You begin to do things that are out of character for you. Perhaps you take extra-long lunch breaks or start leaving work early when you were previously always on time.

While your friends and family may be hesitant to discuss emotional changes in you, they are more likely to discuss behavioral changes. Perhaps you stop socializing with them or never begin your projects until they are on the deadline. You could develop a new nightly habit of drinking multiple beers. In short, you start doing things outside of your usual behavior. It could be as simple as them constantly asking when you’re coming over or picking on you for being late for something. They may be unaware of the underlying issue, but they will almost certainly notice the change.


In general, many of these types of burnout symptoms could indicate other illnesses or problems. Always stay in tune with your body to assist in determining what the signs are pointing to.

Always pay attention to what people around you say when they notice something. They are not experiencing any burnout symptoms but will see how you change due to it. It can be challenging to recognize these changes in yourself, but the sooner you do, the sooner you can address your burnout and reclaim your usual self.

In our next article, we will discuss other aspects of burnout. Be sure to check them out by following us on FB or Twitter. Thanks for reading. You may check our other articles below.

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