12 Practical Tips to Stop Dieting (and Still Lose Weight)

12 Practical Tips to Stop Dieting (and Still Lose Weight)


Are you tired of following strict diets to lose weight? There are better and healthier ways to slim down than just focusing on dieting. Generally, diets help to shed 5–10% of the starting weight in the first six months. However, the chances of keeping the weight off for five years or more are less than 5%. Most people regain even more weight than they initially lost.

Several reasons contribute to the failure of diets. Focusing on restricting food intake can create a negative attitude towards a natural activity like eating. Furthermore, they only provide short-term results instead of lasting change.

12 Practical Tips to Stop Dieting (and Still Lose Weight)

It is time to break free from the cycle of dieting. Consider these tips for losing weight while you are not on a diet.

Increase your fiber.

You can eat less and still feel full by including fiber-rich foods in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are all excellent sources of dietary fiber. These foods curb your appetite, improve digestion, and protect your heart. Adding them to your meals lets you easily maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Prioritize plants.

Eating a variety of vegetables and fruits every day can be beneficial for your health. These foods contain important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Experts recommend at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. You can make this easier by including them in each meal and snack. For breakfast, try a tasty mushroom and spinach omelet with a fruit salad or a smoothie. For a snack, munch on carrot sticks sliced bell peppers, or apple slices with nut butter. Remember that a diverse and colorful diet can help you lead a healthy lifestyle.

Boost your protein.

Protein can help you burn more calories and control hormones that affect your appetite and body fat. To achieve these benefits, try to get around 30% of your calories from protein. You can eat protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, and legumes. Including these foods in your diet can help regulate your hunger and make you feel full for extended periods of time.

Read labels.

Limit your intake of ultra-processed foods. These foods contain unhealthy fats, added sugars, and sodium that can cause health problems. Examples of ultra-processed foods include packaged snacks, sugary drinks, and fast food meals. Choosing whole and nutrient-dense foods instead can help support your overall health and wellbeing.

Monitor portion sizes.

You can still eat your favorite foods and maintain a healthy diet by paying attention to portion sizes. You can use a kitchen scale to weigh your food or learn what one ounce of cheese looks like (about the size of your thumb). By being mindful of how much you’re eating, you can still enjoy the foods you love while keeping your diet balanced and healthy.

Drink water.

It’s easy to forget the calories we consume from drinks. It’s best to save sugary beverages like soda, juice, and margaritas for special occasions. You can stay hydrated by drinking approximately 2 liters of water each day.

Dine in.

Restaurant food usually has a lot of calories and fat, whether you go to a fancy dining room or a fast-food restaurant. Preparing your meals and snacks is an excellent way to eat healthier and save money. By making your own meals, you can choose what you eat and save money by not eating out as much.

Be mindful.

Many adults underestimate their calorie intake by 20–50%, according to a study by Cornell University. It can cause weight gain. Use a journal or app to track your calories and control your eating habits for a healthier lifestyle.

Move more.

Diet is the primary factor to consider when it comes to losing weight. However, exercise is crucial to losing weight and maintaining a healthy body weight while not on an active diet. Physical activities, such as cardio and strength training at least three times a week, are essential for your overall wellbeing.

Rest and relax.

Lack of sleep and chronic stress make you store more fat around your midsection. To prevent weight gain, prioritize an early bedtime and take refreshing breaks between tasks.

Weigh in.

Regularly weighing yourself on a bathroom scale can be beneficial for detecting weight gain early, making it easier to take corrective measures. However, it is crucial to remember that minor weight fluctuations are normal and should not cause undue concern.

Seek support.

Sharing your fitness goals with your family and friends can be a great way to get their support and encouragement. It might motivate them to make some positive lifestyle changes, too! Feel free to tell them how they can help you on your fitness journey.


Don’t give up on yourself while giving up on dieting. Instead, work towards developing healthy eating habits that you can easily stick with long-term. Maintaining a healthy weight can significantly lower your risk of severe health conditions, such as diabetes, and even help you live longer.

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