GIVEAWAY: Silver Membership – Secrets for Spotting a Good Money-Making Opportunity

There are plenty of legitimate ways to earn money from home. I’m referring to wholly legitimate and highly profitable business models. However, the issue is that all of these legitimate opportunities are drowned out by the noise generated by substandard business concepts and blatant scams.
If you’ve been looking for ways to earn money online, you’re probably well aware of what I’m referring to. There are so many enticing opportunities floating around, but it becomes clear that they will not work with more inspection. Perhaps they will not generate much revenue, or maybe they are downright scams. In either case, you must safeguard yourself.
Thus, when you come across an attractive money-making opportunity, ask yourself the following questions:
Are you adding genuine value to others’ lives?
That should be the initial inquiry you should make. Simply put, are you offering your customers a valuable product or service? If not, then consider why you are being compensated at all. The likelihood is that it is some form of Ponzi scheme.
For instance, have you ever seen those lists of names and addresses floating about, instructing you to give $10 to each person on the list and then replace the bottom name on the list with your own? Or one which requires investing a certain amount of money and promises high returns in a short period, say weeks.
That is a Ponzi scam, as individuals at the top of the list typically profit, while everyone else is lucky to avoid losing money. Numerous individuals do not even pay the others on the list; instead, they merely add their names to the list and circulate it, hoping that someone will pay them.
There is no value to be found here. The individuals on the list are not in the business of exchanging products and services for money. In addition to being a fraud, this type of operation is prohibited in several jurisdictions.
Another example is Ponzi schemes posing as network marketing opportunities. The emphasis appears to be on recruiting people into the “company,” as new recruits are frequently required to pay for a beginning kit (the profits from these kits go to the upline). The early birds make the most money.
Therefore, once again, ask yourself if you are delivering genuine value.
Are you offering authentic goods or services? If not, then flee as quickly as possible from these options.
This leads us to the next question…
Are you required to recruit others or purchase things to be compensated?
Certain network marketing companies do sell items or services and are typically regarded as genuine businesses. Avon is an example of this, where individuals can sell beauty goods and earn a percentage of the revenues. Indeed, individuals can make money even if they never attract another individual into the firm.
However, not all network marketing opportunities operate in this manner.
Numerous MLMs (multi-level marketing businesses) place a premium on recruiting new members. Not only do some of them encourage it, but they make it essential to the point where you cannot be compensated if you are not recruiting others. Worse, some MLMs require that each salesperson also be a consumer.
Therefore, if the company offers health supplements, you’re likely to be compelled to purchase $50 or $100 worth of the product each month. It ensures that your upline profits from you. Additionally, it assures that you profit from your downline—what a sham.
You should not be required to recruit people or purchase certain things monthly to profit from an “opportunity.” If you notice something like that, immediately turn around and flee in the opposite direction, as there are far more lucrative ways to earn money.
On to the next question…
Is it necessary to purchase a kit?
Occasionally, you come across a business opportunity that requires you to acquire a “starting kit” to take advantage of it. That alone should raise a red flag for you.
Bear in mind that I am not referring to the purchase of tools, guides, or other resources by you. For instance, if you decide to pursue a career as a freelance writer, you may invest in a few books and other materials that demonstrate how to earn money by selling your writing talents to others.
However, here’s the thing…
You are NOT REQUIRED to purchase these books to work as a freelancer. While most individuals would opt to buy them, you are not obligated to do so before entering the field. You can immediately visit and begin bidding on jobs. The distinction is that the books simplify the process of becoming a freelancer by shortening the learning curve.
Another example: if you decide to create an internet business, you will undoubtedly need a domain name and web host. However, no one requires you to acquire a specific firm’s domain name and hosting services. Some people may promote particular businesses – which is fine – but you are not obligated to purchase from those businesses.
Now contrast that with specific business prospects requiring you to purchase training or even products from them to get started. It makes no difference how much knowledge or expertise you already have; they still require you to pay for training before participating in the business opportunity.
If you see something similar, flee. Nobody should be able to compel you to purchase from a specific company. That is just a sign that it earns money by recruiting new employees obligated to buy training, products, or services.
Next question…
Are you investing in assets?
Here’s a reasonable inquiry that will quickly clarify things. What’s a company without assets? Or, to put it another way, are you building a real business?
If you are not investing in assets, you are operating a job rather than a business. In that instance, you’re most likely developing assets for another party. And that is acceptable if it is what you want to do and you are paid adequately for it.
On the other hand, if your goal is to build a business but you don’t own assets, you will be spinning your wheels. It could be a symptom of a wrong opportunity or a hint of a substandard company model.
Let’s take affiliate marketing as an example. It’s where you join an affiliate program with a firm like, advertise their products, and then earn a percentage of the sales made through your affiliate link.
Some affiliates send their traffic flow directly to their affiliate link. For instance, they could optimize a post for search engines and then put an affiliate link at the conclusion. Alternatively, they may purchase a banner advertisement on another website, which links back to their affiliate link.
The issue is that these affiliates are not accumulating any assets with this approach. They are constantly hustling to make ends meet.
A more effective strategy is to begin by building a mailing list. That is, all traffic is sent to a lead generation website. Once you’ve accumulated a list of subscribers, you can direct them to various affiliate offerings. Now you’re collecting an exceedingly valuable asset — a list of prospects and buyers. And as you begin to accumulate assets, this is a sign of a lucrative money-making opportunity. If you want to know more about affiliate marketing, check out these articles.
There are numerous money-making “opportunities” circulating the internet, and they can appear rather appealing if you’re seeking a method to supplement your income or perhaps replace it entirely. You can immediately eliminate the worst-case scenarios by asking the questions outlined above.
Therefore, what are the POSITIVE OPPORTUNITIES? What can you do online to earn a legitimate living?
Your answer is available at
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