4 Tips to Determine the Right Email Frequency


Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a number or a schedule you could follow for your email marketing initiatives? While it would be great if there were research that suggested that mailing strictly every five days gets you the best results every time, there is no such thing. And there’s a good reason for it. 

4 Tips to Determine the Right Email Frequency

Every market, every niche, every audience, and every person is different. While you’ll never make everyone on your list happy, there is a lot you can do to make just about any email frequency work. 

Here are four tips to get you started.

Lay the groundwork first. 

You don’t want too much time between emails, or your readers will forget you. Anything less than once a month is not a good idea. In most markets and for most business models, you don’t even want to mail less than twice a month. 

On the other end of the spectrum, you don’t want to go any higher than one email per day on average. Yes, you may have days when you have a good reason to send multiple emails, but on a weekly or bi-weekly average, you don’t want to email more than once a day. 

Start by looking at what you’re doing now. 

Figure out how often you want to mail. Do you grow a closer connection with your market by emailing more often? Do you want to drive traffic back to your site by frequently emailing them links? Do you want to grow your income by making more frequent email offers? 

Once you know where you’re at and where you want to be, you can start to plan for getting from point A to point B. You don’t want to go straight from emailing once every few months to daily emails. It’ll get your readers clicking the spam button like crazy. Instead, start with monthly emails for a couple of months, and then let your readers know you have more to share with them and start mailing weekly. Then a few months later, ramp it up to daily emails.

Find a good reason to email them daily. 

There are lots of good reasons to email your readers every day. It can keep them on their toes and ensures they think about your brand daily. It can also help you build relationships with your readers and learn more about them. 

While finding a good reason to email your readers daily is crucial, it’s also essential to do so without spamming them. For example, while you usually publish a weekly newsletter with the occasional promotional email in between, running a 15 or 30-day challenge for your readers is a great excuse to hit their inbox daily without seeming pushy or spammy.

If you are unsure how often your readers want to be emailed, try sending a test email to your list to see how they respond. You can then decide whether an email daily is appropriate for your readers. 

Ask for feedback from your audience.

To find what your email readers want, you can ask them for feedback. The best way to do this is to send out a survey to your email list. You can do this at the beginning or end of each month. You can also ask for feedback from your readers by incorporating their reviews into your content. If they write a review, this is an excellent opportunity to ask them how they would like to receive emails from you.

Listen to your audience when you receive their feedback on email frequency, but also realize there will always be someone complaining. Look also at data like open rates to get a better feel for what frequency works best for you and your audience.


We hope you enjoyed this post on determining the right email frequency. It’s no secret that this is a hot topic among marketers. That’s why we wanted to provide you with these four tips. Before you begin email marketing, ask yourself the following questions: If a customer is interested in your product, what is the frequency that the customer is most likely to open your emails? How often am I receiving emails from this customer? Do I think that customers would be open to getting email marketing from me every few days? These four questions should help you determine the best frequency for your email marketing. 

As part of our email marketing collection, we will provide more email marketing tips in the following weeks. Follow us on our social media profiles (FB or Twitter) to get our updates. Meantime, you can read our other email marketing articles. You can also check our other articles below. Thanks for visiting.

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